Markers |
Rupiah: 2,000Rp
Dollars*: $0.24
% of DBW**: 19% |
Protractor |
Rupiah: 350Rp
Dollars*: $0.04
% of DBW**: 03% |
Pencil Sharpener |
Rupiah: 400Rp
Dollars*: $0.05
% of DBW**: 04% |
Pen |
Rupiah: 600Rp
Dollars*: $0.07
% of DBW**: 06% |
Notebook |
Rupiah: 2,000Rp
Dollars*: $0.24
% of DBW**: 19% |
Drawing Pad |
Rupiah: 500Rp
Dollars*: $0.06
% of DBW**: 05% |
Eraser |
Rupiah: 400Rp
Dollars*: $0.04
% of DBW**: 03% |
Monthly Tuition
(1 month-cheapest) |
Rupiah: 25,000Rp
Dollars*: $3.01
% of DBW**: 231% |
*Value in US dollars is based on 8,300-8,600Rp per $1USD depending on daily exchange rates.
**DBW was calculated by taking the basic monthly wage of 325,000Rp and averaging it out over 30 days.