September 07, 2001
McMahon throws in with workers
Dick Patrick
Kevin McMahon will stage an understated but committed protest when he throws the hammer Friday at the Goodwill Games in Brisbane, Australia.
The two-time Olympian and painting/graphic arts teacher at Bellarmine College Prep (San Jose) will wear a white ribbon to symbolize solidarity with workers at shoe and apparel factories in the third world.
''It took me 13 years to earn this uniform, and I'd like to be proud of it,'' McMahon says. ''How do I know it wasn't made in a sweatshop? I don't feel proud when I'm contributing to a system that exploits the poor.''
McMahon, 29, a Bellarmine alumnus, has researched the issue this summer and wants companies such as Nike, Adidas and Reebok to improve disclosure of factory locations, restitution for past abuses and institution of workers' rights including formation of unions.
''The industry agrees more needs to be done,'' he says. ''I'm trying to get the industry and consumers to be more conscientious about the larger issues.''
The two-time U.S. champ says teaching helped prompt him into action: ''I think I'm a teacher before I'm an athlete. But if I teach students just graphic design or how to paint, I've failed them. I try to teach social responsibility and solidarity with the poor. I can't teach students that or ask them to do that if I'm not doing it myself.''
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