Domain Investing Domain names are similar to stocks that have initial public offerings (IPOs) and then can be sold in secondary markets at different (usually greater) prices. Getting in on the IPO (registration) of a prominent sounding Internet name is the best method to secure a name at a low price that is likely to continuously increase in value. Unfortunately, the best names are long gone so it is unlikely that most new domains registered will have dramatic increases in value. Fortunately, many names can be purchased via secondary markets. Buy Domains has a secondary domain market for the world's finest unused Internet names. For the most part, the costs of names at our market are vastly lower than similar names that are offered elsewhere. A company or individual may want to buy a domain name listed for sale in our brokerage to start a new ebusiness, to use for an existing business, or to speculate that the name is (or will be) worth more than Buy Domains's quoted price. Over the past few years, many domain names have sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars and a few for millions of dollars. Since companies continue to recognize the permanent branding value of a good domain name we believe that the best .COM and .NET domains will constantly increase in value, as fewer and fewer become available. In our estimation, investing a few thousand dollars to permanently control prominent sounding Internet brand names is a deal that is too good to pass up. Procrastinating will increase the risk of your competitors beating you to the domains that you like best. Also the prices of your favorite names are likely to rise due to decreasing availability and increasing demand. Best of luck in the digital economy - there is no turning back!